Bark, Marrow and Electricity, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, acrylics, ink and pen on paper / 73.5 x 109

Score for a Microscopic Garden, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, ink and pen on paper / 73.5 x 5 4.5 cm

John Cage contemplating the relation between Bees and Mushrooms, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, watercolor, ink and pen on paper / 73.5 x 55 cm

Systema Naturae, Installation view, CFHILL, 2020

Systema Naturae, Installation view, CFHILL, 2020

Systema Naturae, Installation view, CFHILL, 2020

Artemisia absinthium / Malört, 2019 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, ink and pen on paper / 74 x 55 cm

The Dream of Walden, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, ink and gouache on paper / 73.5 x 5 4.5 cm

Space and Thyme, 2020 / Plant pigments (thyme, indigo) acrylic medium and pen on paper / 152.5 x 93.5

Dissolving Strawberry, 2020 / Plant pigments (strawberry , indigo m) acrylic medium, acrylics and pen on paper / 151.5 x 94.5 cm

St John's wort and Buckthorn, 2020 / Plant pigments (buckthorn, nut shell) acrylic medium, aluminium foil, ink and pen on paper / 151.5 x 94.5 cm

Bee hive, 2020 / Cast recycled aluminium / 67 x 44 x 37.5 cm

Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man (video)
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp

Electricity, 2020 / Cast recycled aluminium / 270 x 64 x 50 cm
Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp
Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp
Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp

Chlorophyll, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder,ink and pen on paper / 73 x 54.5 cm

Allotment Garden/ Kolonilott, 2019 / Plant pigments, acrylic binder, and pen on paper / 73.5 x 54.5 cm

Compost I, 2019
Time-lapse video, 10:32 min loop, no audio
Compost is a microscope photographed time-laps video. A flowerpot filled with soil and vegetal elements has for a year been used as a compost in the artists’ studio. During the daily routines the compost has been filled with organic material. A shared rhythm with a life cycle in miniature, a collaboration requiring parallel efforts in the small world and in the larger one.

Compost II, 2020
Time-lapse video, 15:00 min loop, no audio
Compost is a microscope photographed time-laps video. A flowerpot filled with soil and vegetal elements has for a year been used as a compost in the artists’ studio. During the daily routines the compost has been filled with organic material. A shared rhythm with a life cycle in miniature, a collaboration requiring parallel efforts in the small world and in the larger one.

Bell Cloche, 2020 / Cast recycled aluminium / 100 x 100 x 100 cm

Bark, 2020 / Cast recycled aluminium / 162 x 30 x 30 cm

Bark, 2020 / Cast recycled aluminium / 162 x 30 x 30 cm (detail)

Seedlings, 2020 / Plant pigment (Indigo), acrylic medium and pencil on canvas / 113 x 175 cm

Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man (video)
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp

Compost I, 2019 (time-lapse video) / 15 min loop / no audio
Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and man (video) / 17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp

Electroacoustic Aspects of Plant and Man (video)
17:12 min loop / Colour / Audio stereo
Tesla sphere and sound: Christine Ödlund / Kirlian photography and sound: Valdemar Asp

Plant-Man Electro, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic medium and pen on paper / 151.5 x 94.5 cm

The Allotment, 2020 / Plant pigments, acrylic medium and pen on canvas / 175 x 113 cm

Strawberry Field, 2020 / Plant pigment (strawberry) and acrylics on canvas / 204 x 165 cm